About Us

It's your space. Let us fill it with wall art!

What started out as a family project to fill our spaces with unique wall art that represent our place, turned into designing wall art we love to share with others. When I started this journey, I discovered there was a lot of wall art I liked…but there was always a but…it didn't match my wall color, I needed it landscape instead of portrait…you get the picture. So, my husband (Adam), who is also an artist, decided to use his skills in our place to create spaces I love to walk into.

Fast-forward to a few years later and Two Spaces Studios is here…and we're growing! Two Spaces Studios creates quality art for your spaces. We want to reflect your place, so most of the graphic wall art you see on our site come in different colors and sizes to complement your space.

- Jessica Pennamon-Cochran
Co-Owner, Two Spaces Studios